RSM – Dallas, TX
Located in Dallas, TX
To provide more space for its growing team of 250+, RSM’s Dallas branch was moving to two floors in a building that offered additional square footage for growth, along with room to include unique amenities to help the consulting firm attract and retain young professionals.
RSM works closely with Shive-Hattery to standardize workplace design across its offices nationwide while giving every location a personal touch. Within the traditional mix of open workspaces and private offices, Shive-Hattery incorporated benching into the RSM Dallas office. To facilitate conversation and communication, workspaces are designed with no barriers between coworkers. This gives employees the workspace they need while being as efficient with square footage as possible. Because paperwork is giving way to digital solutions, less storage space was needed. Instead, custom storage solutions provide filing space without sacrificing valuable square footage.
For visual and acoustic privacy, collaboration areas are sprinkled throughout the two floors. Felt-lined booths with different pops of color give employees a place to connect and have private conversations. A wine bar creates an RSM “Bourbon Street,” with wine racks designed by Shive-Hattery to act as screen walls. A deep burgundy color provides a feeling of coziness, along with soft seating and a bar-top community table.
Graphics throughout the space – including down long corridors, on moveable walls, and in breakrooms – feature the Dallas skyline. Artwork with images of different Dallas neighborhoods is located near each collaboration area to uniquely identify each space. Chalkboard-based pieces are also incorporated to represent the Texas flag and convey inspirational statements about teamwork.
RSM now has room for its 250+ employees – plus square footage to grow as it attracts younger professionals. Small touches and unique amenities, such as a wine bar and custom artwork, reflect the office’s personality and culture while helping attract the next wave of talent.
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